Dive summary:
- A new camera developed by Pennsylvania-based Lenox Instrument Company can monitor the combustion process inside incinerators that burn biomass, municipal or agricultural waste.
- Real time monitoring can help prevent situations that could put equipment or workers at risk; it can monitor the fire line position and the burn cycle to ensure maximum burnout of the waste, prevent hotspots and reduce shutdowns and maintenance costs.
- The cameras are installed through the wall of the furnace; the camera has a protective housing unit that allows it to endure temperatures up to 3,000°F (1,649ºC).
From the article:
The camera can view traditional and non-traditional fuel processes, such as municipal waste, agricultural waste and manure.
The FireSight Biomass Camera System is designed to be installed through the wall of the furnace. Its low consumption, compressed air-cooling system and Wall Box Mounting Assembly serves as a protective housing and primary coolant shroud that enables the system to survive in environments up to 3,000°F (1,649ºC).
A light volume control feature allows the operator from the control room to easily adjust the amount of light transmitted to the camera, eliminating bloom and ensuring high image clarity. ...